Healthy Snack Ideas

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I am not creative at all when it comes to cooking. I can usually throw something together for a lunch or dinner and make sure it’s healthy. But when it comes to snacking in between, this is where I struggle. My body is used to eating every few hours. If I don’t have a snack between meals, I get full on hangry and everyone better watch out. I don’t want to reach for a sugary granola bar, or hit up the cafeteria at work for some French fries or a bag of chips. Well let’s be honest, I do! But I know my body will hate me for it later.

Like anything, planning ahead makes snacking on the go much easier! The best part is most of these snacks require little to no prep! Below are my top ten snack choices!

1. Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

Simple but effective! Cut up an apple into slices and use a tablespoon of peanut butter as dip!

2. Frozen Yogurt Bites

Make your own version of frozen yogurt by mixing one cup of low fat yogurt with one cup of fruit into a bowl. You can add a tablespoon of honey if you want the extra sweetness! Arrange mini muffin tins with liners and pour the mixture into the tin and put in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

3. Hard Boiled Eggs

Such an easy snack to prepare in advance. Eat them on their own or scoop out the yolk and mix together with some balsamic vinegar and smoked paprika. So good!

4. Protein Shake and Nuts

This is my go-to snack especially when I am running around all day. Have your scoop of protein powder mixed either with one cup of water or one cup of almond milk, and ¼ cup of walnuts or almonds and you are set!

5. Veggies and Hummus

An OG healthy snack! I usually chop a freezer bag full of veggies that will last me for at least 3-4 days so that I can grab them and go. I’ll also portion out 2 TBSP of hummus into individual ramekins to make my life easier.

6. Veggies and Spinach Dip

Don’t like hummus? Try this instead! Take a handful of spinach and boil until wilted. Then mix Greek or coconut yogurt with some cherry tomatoes, garlic, a little Parmesan cheese and some salt and pepper. Add the spinach and voila! If you have time, you can even bake the dip and eat it warmed up.

7. Cheese and Crackers

Ok hear me out, this is probably NOT the healthiest option on this list; but who doesn’t love cheese and crackers?? If you’re going to have this snack, try to find a cheese that is high in protein and low in fat, and crackers that are higher in fiber and lower in sodium. When in doubt, I reach for Babybel cheese and Special K Cracker Chips.

8. Popcorn

Yep you read that right! Depending on what kind you buy, (or if you air pop the kernels yourself) popcorn is a great snack! Some healthier alternatives for toppings would be garlic powder, chili powder, nutritional yeast, agave nectar or coconut oil.

9. Cucumber Bites

I like this snack when I’m feeling fancy! I’ll take half a cucumber cut into slices, topped with a small amount of Greek or coconut yogurt on each slice. Then I’ll cut up one piece of turkey sausage and evenly distribute across the bites.

10. Energy bites

I tend to make these in bulk because they’re so easy to throw together. Take some rolled oats and mix in some almond or peanut butter, a small amount of honey or agave nectar, and a tablespoon of chocolate chips. Mix it all together and roll into golf ball sized bites.

I hope you enjoyed these quick and easy snack ideas! What’s your go-to healthy snack?
