Teething Tips and Tricks


Do you remember getting your first teeth? Me neither. But I can almost guarantee your parents remember the experience. Ah the joys of teething. It’s one of those things that you don’t really think about as a new mom until your baby is screaming in pain, grabbing the sides of their heads, and chewing on everything in sight!

I have friends who said they didn’t even know their babies were teething! This definitely was not the case for Mase. Mason cut his first tooth at five months old, and they just kept coming. Teething turned my happy, loving, easy going baby into a crying mess that never wanted to be put down! Add in disruptive sleep and nobody is having a good time. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the extra snuggles, but paired with tears and knowing he was in so much pain? Ugh. Cue mama heartbreak. What’s a mama to do?

I’ve rounded up my best tips and products to help you and your baby survive teething!

1.  Sophie the Giraffe

  • I don’t know what it is about Sophie that makes her so special! But she has the IT factor. Babies LOVE these things! There are so many parts of this giraffe to gnaw on, she is an absolute must for any baby!

2.  Silicone Teethers

  • If your babe is anything like mine, everything goes in the mouth! Silicone teethers are so soft and easy to hold onto! 

3.   Vibrating Teethers

  • Honesty these things are amazing. Something simple for baby to hold onto and chew on, while massaging the gums at the same time!

4.  Water Filled Teethers

  • These are so great to pop in the fridge and take out whenever your baby is having a rough time. They are soft enough to chew on, and the cold water gives that extra bit of soothing.

5.  Frozen Wash Cloth

  • Such a simple hack! I would strongly recommend twisting the washcloth into a long easy to grasp piece, soaking it in some water, and putting it in the freezer for 15-10 minutes. Don’t do what I did the first time and leave it in there for two hours…it was WAY too hard to give to Mason!

6. Bandana Bibs

  • Ok so this won’t solve your babes teething pain, but it will help some of the chafing that can occur with all the extra drool. Also, it may help to prevent needing to change their clothes multiple times a day because they have drooled so much!

7.  Teething Biscuits

  • If your baby has started solids, these make for a great distraction and a yummy snack!

8.  Breastmilk/Formula popsicles

  • Pairing milk with the coldness of a frozen treat is a win win! Go to Dollarama or the Dollar Tree and pick up some Popsicle moulds and fill them up!

9.  Frozen mesh teethers

  • If your baby has started solids, this is a great way to introduce new foods and ease their teething pain!

10. Teething Rings

  • There are so many types of teething rings available, and some have become super trendy!

11.  Teething Mitt

  • I found this worked better on Mase when he was really little and wouldn’t resist the mitt so much! It’s so convenient when your baby is chewing their hand non-stop, to throw this mitt on and call it a day!

12.  Pacifier

  • Babies find the sucking motion super calming. If your baby takes a pacifier, try offering it a little more than usual.

13.  Warm Bath

  • This might not take the pain away, but it’s a good distraction to grab some toys, sing some songs, and have fun.

14.  Pouches

  • Mason goes on hunger strikes when he’s teething. The chewing seems to really bother him, so I always grab for pouches! At least this way I know he’s getting the nutrition he needs.

15.  Wine

  • Ok this one is for you mama. You earned it.

Do you have any tried and true methods to ease teething pain?
