Maintaining Your Health During Social Distancing

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Social distancing. We’re all in it. Whether you are going back and forth to work alone, working from home, or in complete self-isolation, it is scary. It can be really easy to slip into a depressive state while we are shifting into the “new normal”. We don’t know how long these directives will last, so finding a way to adjust and adapt is crucial. It is more important than ever that we do everything in our power to stay healthy, mind, body and soul. Today I wanted to share some ideas on how to do this while being in self-isolation.

1. Get outside

  • We are practicing social distancing because we HAVE to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get outside and get some fresh air. Play in the backyard if you are able, or go for a walk but keep your distance.

2. Deep clean your home

  • With the heightened importance of practicing good hygiene, take your moments to do a deep clean of your home. Challenge yourself daily or twice a day to pick an area of your home and do a deep clean, on top of ensuring all of your surfaces are wiped down!

3.   Stay hydrated

  • We know how important it is to drink water and stay hydrated, so it is so important to continue to do so while at home. It’s so easy to be running around and forget to drink enough throughout the day, so ensure you keep a bottle or two full around the house!

4.   Eat Nutritious Whole Foods

  • Eating more fruits and vegetables, which are rich in nutrients can help boost your immune system and help keep you healthy.

5.   Meditate

  • It is extremely important to take pause and take a few deep breaths to ground ourselves and not let all the panic and fear consume us. We are all scared. There is something peaceful and calming about closing the door and take 5-10 minutes to yourself.

6.   Call a friend or family member

  • We have all been urged to self-isolate to help flatten the curve and to keep everyone as healthy as possible. Fortunately, we have an abundance of technology at our fingertips to help us stay connected. Pick up the phone and call a family member to check in, don’t text. FaceTime a loved one so you don’t feel too isolated and can still get that face to face contact.

7.   Take a break

  • I am fortunate to be able to work from home. However with that, I tend to lock myself in my office and not take too many breaks throughout the day. By day three I felt myself getting bogged down and overwhelmed. It’s important to get up, take a five minute breather and rejuvenate so you don’t burn out.

8.  Take your vitamins

  • Vitamin C, B6 and E are essential to boosting your immunity. Think salmon, tuna, nuts, chickpeas, oranges, spinach, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, kale and broccoli.

9. Get Moving

  • With gyms and fitness centers being closed, at home workouts have become a must for physical activity! There are so many free resources available online, whether it’s YouTube, Instagram or doing a simple Google search. We have some great tips for working out and staying healthy on our blog!

10. Anything that makes you smile

  • Do you need to dance it out? Do that. Bake cookies? Do it! Play games with your family? Do that! It is so important to maintain your overall health and find any way that you can to smile and laugh and embrace the time you have at home with your family.

 What are you choosing to focus on at this time?     
