Staying on Track During the Holidays


I absolutely love the holidays. I get so excited every single year to decorate the house and our Christmas tree. I also love to do Christmas baking! Unfortunately, like most people, I can find it challenging to not get carried away. I work in an office where people are constantly bringing in holiday treats and having potlucks or going out for lunches and dinners. I try to live a balanced lifestyle, but around the holidays my willpower seems to take a bit of a dive. So how the heck do you stay on track during the holidays? Below are some tips to help you (and me) through the temptation of the holidays!

  1. Get your workouts in

    I always feel so much better after a workout. And quite honestly, I feel a little less guilty about indulging knowing I got my exercise in for the day! Treat your workouts like a meeting. Schedule them and show up! As cliché as it sounds, have you ever regretted showing up for a workout?

  2. Make a healthy potluck dish

    Chances are 9/10 people will bring an indulgent, cheesy, carby, decadent meal to a potluck. So be the exception! In order to have some control over what you are eating, bring a dish that aligns with your goals! Veggie trays, fruit trays or salads are easy dishes to bring. Pinterest is your best friend here!

  3. Plan ahead

    We’ve said it before, but if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Meal prepping and eating healthy throughout the week will not only make it easier to continue to stay on track, but it will make you actually want to stay the path. Write out your meals for the week and stick to it! Allow for one treat meal but then, get right back into it! Need some help? Check out our blog post on meal planning!  

  4. Have an accountability partner

    When I completed a 12 week challenge with Kayla, I truly believe the accountability we had towards one another was one of the main reasons we had so much success. If you have a gym buddy, tap them on the shoulder and schedule your workouts! Ask a good friend with similar goals to trade meal plans or share their tips on staying on track. Honestly we are so much better together.

  5. Allow yourself to indulge

    It’s the holidays! Enjoy yourself without the guilt. I’ve seen posts or Pinterest pins saying “you need to do 100 burpees in order to work off one piece of chocolate” posts and honestly, I don’t like it. Having a healthy relationship with food is about balance. Enjoy the time with your family and friends, eat the cookies and your favourite holiday meal without the guilt. Then the next day, drink lots of water, get a workout in, and try to get back on track. You’ve got this! Happy Holidays!

Do you have a helpful tip for staying on track during the holiday season?
